Denver, CO 80229
Tunneling /Boring - Utility Contractor
Auger Boring, Pilot Tube Guided Boring.
Tunneling, Pipe Ramming, Pipe Bursting 12" thru 144"
Water, Sewer, Storm Sewer Lines, Boring, Jacking, & Tunneling.
Eden Wy 82932
Horizontal Drilling from 2" to 60"
Excavation - Cable Plowing
Lander, WY 82520
Directional Boring, Gas Distribution, Cable Installation, Plowing, HDD and Pipe-Bursting.
Gillette, WY 82717
PO Box 368
Gillette, WY 82717
Well Drilling & Pump Sales & Service.
Wells, Small & Large Diameter to 5,000'.
Pumps & Installation. All Makes & Models with Horse Power to 250hp.
Gillette, WY 82717
PO Box 368
Gillette, WY 82717
From the permitting and design phase to and through the drilling, testing and completion, WSD provides professional service for all of your water well needs. We have extensive experience in drilling stock, domestic, irrigation, municipal and industrial wells along with monitoring and test wells, dewatering wells, and geothermal heat loop well fields.
We also carry a full line of Submersible and solar pumps that are backed by our certified pump installers.
WSD also provides the Oil & Gas Industry with Conductor Pipe Cellar sets. Along with presetting surface pipe and drilling water wells for their needs, we also drill shallow oil and gas tests.